Quote BIGAL1="BIGAL1"I reckon thts a wind up.'"
No, he's the wind up. Me mam went to bed early last night so that she could get up with him this morning and get him ready to go to his first job in years, he's even started to look like eddy windass in corry never mind act like him. Anyway it was turned half one when he got in this morning and he was making such a noise at the bottom of the stairs that he woke me mam up and she screamed down what the hell you playing at, and he shouts up nowt get back to sleep, so she says well make less noise doing it, then he tripped on the bottom step and me mam shouted down what are you doing now, and he shouts out I'm trying to get this barrel of beer up the stairs with that me mams attitude softened and she said have you won it at bingo, and with a moronic giggle he shouts up no Ive supped it yer daft cow get back to sleep or you'll never get me up in the morning. Laugh a minute really

just like watching Trin lately