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| Did i hear right that Radlinski would not be coming into the bar after the game after what went on last week? If so what went on? not seen anything on here about it.
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| Yeah, and no players either, for the forseeable future. I didn't go in last week so no idea what went on... But was told a minority gave a lot of grief to Radders regarding new signings etc.
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| You heard right, he won't be going into the SS bar for his usual post match comments for the foreseeable future due to abuse from fans last week. Shameful from some so called "fans" depressing to think that went on in there as it would have to be season ticket holders, we can do without fans like that!
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| Pathetic if true..
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| I was in the bar last week, but didn't hear anything that I would call "abuse".
TBH - Kris invited the comments by announcing that he would take questions.
After a loss like that, what did he think was going to happen?
The only people who were ever going to question him were bound to be annoyed and disgruntled.
As far as I recall, he was pulled up on whether the club were training the players corrcetly and he got himself into a near argument in trying to defend the club.
Sorry to say this, but I think Kris was a best niaive and at worst downright stupid to invite questions when emotions were clearly running high, and then to compound the issue by acting like a whiny little girl and punish several hundred fans over comments that he opened himself up to.
I appreciate the work that Kris does, especially after each game with the fans, but I have to say that he needs to grow up, stop whining and get on with the job.
If he wants to issue a "warning" next time he's in the bar, fine.
Maybe a better idea would be that if you can't handle criticism (as he obviously can't) - DON'T INVITE IT.
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| Quote Pie Eyed="Pie Eyed"I was in the bar last week, but didn't hear anything that I would call "abuse".
TBH - Kris invited the comments by announcing that he would take questions.
After a loss like that, what did he think was going to happen?
The only people who were ever going to question him were bound to be annoyed and disgruntled.
As far as I recall, he was pulled up on whether the club were training the players corrcetly and he got himself into a near argument in trying to defend the club.
Sorry to say this, but I think Kris was a best niaive and at worst downright stupid to invite questions when emotions were clearly running high, and then to compound the issue by acting like a whiny little girl and punish several hundred fans over comments that he opened himself up to.
I appreciate the work that Kris does, especially after each game with the fans, but I have to say that he needs to grow up, stop whining and get on with the job.
If he wants to issue a "warning" next time he's in the bar, fine.
Maybe a better idea would be that if you can't handle criticism (as he obviously can't) - DON'T INVITE IT.'"
Think thats a bit over the top to be honest. I wasn't in there last week. Maybe he shouldn't have answered questions, but even then there would have been people moaning.
and calling him a whiny little girl is also very unfair. He is not obliged to come out to the South Stand bar after games to speak to the fans. They don't have to do it. And I think we as fans have been very fortunate that over the years people like Rads, Vievers and other coaches, players and people involved with the club have taken time out after a game to come and speak to the fans and answer questions. Again , I don't know what was said, asked or even said to him, . But do you think he should accept criticism from fans questioning how the club is training the players after the first game of the season? fans who wont have seen what goes on behind the scenes and won't exactly know what they are talking about. I can't help but feel someone must have said something away from the microphone on top of whatever questions where asked for him to have reacted like he has.
It's a shame that it may not happen for a while, if at all.. But Radlinski has been a great servant to this club, and he has been good enough to speak to the fans, but theres no excuse for the fans then deciding to criticise his and the coaching teams efforts behind the scenes. especially after just one game. He and the squad deserve more respect than that.
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| I agree that he is a great servant to the club.
I agree that it's "nice" of the club to send players in after a game.
However, the "little girl" comment refers to his actions over this one incident, and I stand by it.
Quote niceBut do you think he should accept criticism from fans questioning how the club is training the players after the first game of the season?'"
Yes, I do.
Purely because, and I repeat - HE INVITED THE QUESTIONS.
He stood on stage and openly stated that that our pack was basically cr@p - Despite Jeff Lima being stood right next to him and being made to feel like the loss was all his fault.
Then he invites questions from a clearly disillusioned audience and (unsurprisingly) doesn't like what he hears.
To then try to act like the headmaster by taking away everyone's "player privilege", just because he got precisely what he invited, from just a couple of individuals, smacks of throwing his toys out of the pram (which funnily enough was exactly how his behaviour was described to me by someone who works at the club, when I asked them if I had heard correctly about him not bringing any players in).
Quote nicetheres no excuse for the fans then deciding to criticise his and the coaching teams efforts behind the scenes'"
Except that there is when (and again I repeat) - He invited precisely that, after slagging the pack off himself.
Quote niceHe and the squad deserve more respect than that.'"
And we, who pay money to watch and support that squad, deserve FAR more than to be treated like a room full of naughty children.
It's the equivalent of me sticking a gigantic target with "Please Kick Me" written on it, on the seat of my pants, and then being offended when somebody actually dares to do so.
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| Quote Pie Eyed="Pie Eyed"I was in the bar last week, but didn't hear anything that I would call "abuse".
TBH - Kris invited the comments by announcing that he would take questions.
After a loss like that, what did he think was going to happen?
The only people who were ever going to question him were bound to be annoyed and disgruntled.
As far as I recall, he was pulled up on whether the club were training the players corrcetly and he got himself into a near argument in trying to defend the club.
Sorry to say this, but I think Kris was a best niaive and at worst downright stupid to invite questions when emotions were clearly running high, and then to compound the issue by acting like a whiny little girl and punish several hundred fans over comments that he opened himself up to.
I appreciate the work that Kris does, especially after each game with the fans, but I have to say that he needs to grow up, stop whining and get on with the job.
If he wants to issue a "warning" next time he's in the bar, fine.
Maybe a better idea would be that if you can't handle criticism (as he obviously can't) - DON'T INVITE IT.'"
That is exactly how I saw it too. I think Kris has really let himself down over this.
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| well like I say, I wasn't there so cant comment on what was said but either way he has been on twitter saying
Quote In answer to all your queries about my non show in SSB, I told gerry that we were reviewing the policy. Nobody abused me
I will come back into the bar to explain my thoughts to u all as the wigan fans mean so much to me. '"
will be interesting to hear his view on the matter.
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| "And also, the players will be back into the SSB at the next home game"
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| Interesting point was that when this was announced yesterday. I didn't pick up many 'poor Kris' feelings from the people in the bar.
They did announce that players would be down BEFORE the match next time out, and they would play it by ear as to what happens afterwards.
I too think that KR was being a bit 'precious', had forgotten who was paying his wages, and should remember that if you want to put yourself out as a spokesman - as well taking the plaudits and praise, you have to accept the brickbats and hurt that people feel.
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| I agree with Pie-Eyed and Miggy. Like them, I was there last week. Yes, some people should be more measured and not panic after a loss like that, but yes, Kris did invite questions and therefore should have been prepared for OTT moaning from some people. He's been at Wigan all his life, he knows how some people get when we lose. Most fans last week were very suportive, applauded Kris and Jeff for their determination that the team would be better than that in future, and I heard people thank Kris for coming in as he left.
Kris has been naive and a bit precious and frankly has created an issue unnecessarily by banning any player presence last night. He should have got Gerry to issue a friendly warning and sent a player in with one of the other two people whose role will include SS bar appearances this year, Andy Coley or Paul Deacon, just to cool things off. In fact, if Kris is going to be on the defensive so much maybe it would be better if he let one of the other two do it for a few weeks.
I adore Kris Rads but that doesn't mean he can do no wrong. Talk about a storm in a teacup!