Name : Raaaaymond (honest)
Rest of info about me classified 'cos I believe I'm being watched by MI5, MI6, FBI, and MOSSAD. I have no facepage, twitter, beebo or my space and I try to live 'Off Grid'. But, RL pulls me in. You can have my IP address.
Earliest game : Sometime in the sixties with mom and dad. Well, actually running about on the terrace at Fartown. Wouldn't be allowed today for health and safety reasons, just how did we manage to survive?
Best games : Beating Saints at the HJ couple of years back. AND the Keighley game, not often we ran on the pitch but we did that day. Winning CC in 2011?
Worst games : Yep, got to be the drubbing at Headingley, or C.C. loss at Hunslet when we were way out of their league.

( don't think Martin Gleason was playing for us then, and Sean Long defo wasn't

Best moments : Wire fans on road and on bridge with signs congratulating us on CC semi win over Saints. Wigan fans coming over to shake hands and tell us what great supporters we were for chanting all through the game when we lost 70-0 I think score was at Central Park and Swinton fans on pitch after game, thanking us for coming to final game at Station Road. And, I got a strange feeling of superiority when we were bottom of Superleague for 4 years running and other clubs fans couldn't understand how we could watch them lose every week. It was almost a shame when we won a game, it was like an elite club.
Fav away Ground : Wire, Great atmosphere 'cos you can stand up.
Worst away ground : Ha Ha Ha, need you ask? [size=50Wakey[/size
Fav players : Wally Gibson, Dean Hanger and Arnold (terminator) Lomax, His hands were like shovels.
Funniest moment : Bloke (to protect his name) falling through toilet roof at Cas
Deserving of special mention : Ken Davy = God. And special thanks to Alex Murphy after whom I named my son. A legend who awakened this sleeping Giant.