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| Had to say Sunday was one of the worst days of my life! Starting from the Willows in the morning no one telling us what coach we were on and that we just had to jump on any coach, so getting on the abc coach and an hour into the journey the lady in charge goes to the front of the coach and says "ok who hasn't paid!" Who the hell is going to own up to say they havent paid for a coach?? when they dont need to. While we're getting food one of the lads on the coach wasnt happy as she went through his personal belongings,and just before we set off the coach driver says are we all here? Sorry but poor communication .Finally after getting off the bus the bus driver said to be bk at 18:00 - 18:10. When the Hull match finished it was at 17:45 so we're walking back through the park and see a fellow Salford fan down the hill not moving with his mates hands on theie heads dont know whats up with him .it took 6 guys to help him up and a few times we fell over trying so we was covered in dirt with all different supporters laughing at the state he was in. In the end we had to phone the ambulance for him and his mate said its ok we're looking after him so we left/ We got back to the park at 18:08 and there was only one coach left with salford fans on it and it just drove right passed us so me and my mate were stranded in the middle of Cardiff. Walking out of the park we saw a bunch of lads who was on our coach and said they missed it too! WTF Did the coach go home half empty? it was just a good job that it wasnt young lads in their teens that was stranded there because i know the parents wouldnt of been happy! im sure the coach could of waited 10 or 15 minutes behind especially if its half full from when it arrived there. The next day i was told the last coach that drove right passed us was twice as full as it was going there so people must of been desperate to get on it . Me and my mate had to get the train which cost 114 pound for me and my mate cos he had no money! My point is that the organisation was shockingly poor and im never travelling with salford rugby club again as they were hopeless!
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| Quote faddy860="faddy860"Had to say Sunday was one of the worst days of my life! Starting from the Willows in the morning no one telling us what coach we were on and that we just had to jump on any coach, so getting on the abc coach and an hour into the journey the lady in charge goes to the front of the coach and says "ok who hasn't paid!" Who the hell is going to own up to say they havent paid for a coach?? when they dont need to. While we're getting food one of the lads on the coach wasnt happy as she went through his personal belongings,and just before we set off the coach driver says are we all here? Sorry but poor communication .Finally after getting off the bus the bus driver said to be bk at 18:00 - 18:10. When the Hull match finished it was at 17:45 so we're walking back through the park and see a fellow Salford fan down the hill not moving with his mates hands on theie heads dont know whats up with him .it took 6 guys to help him up and a few times we fell over trying so we was covered in dirt with all different supporters laughing at the state he was in. In the end we had to phone the ambulance for him and his mate said its ok we're looking after him so we left/ We got back to the park at 18:08 and there was only one coach left with salford fans on it and it just drove right passed us so me and my mate were stranded in the middle of Cardiff. Walking out of the park we saw a bunch of lads who was on our coach and said they missed it too! WTF Did the coach go home half empty? it was just a good job that it wasnt young lads in their teens that was stranded there because i know the parents wouldnt of been happy! im sure the coach could of waited 10 or 15 minutes behind especially if its half full from when it arrived there. The next day i was told the last coach that drove right passed us was twice as full as it was going there so people must of been desperate to get on it . Me and my mate had to get the train which cost 114 pound for me and my mate cos he had no money! My point is that the organisation was shockingly poor and im never travelling with salford rugby club again as they were hopeless!'"
Bad luck there mate. The Crusaders coaches left at 5pm so we only got to see the first half the Hull derby!
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| Me and my brother saw him and tried to help him up so we missed the coach aswel, my coat was on their aswel with my brothers bag, rung the club shop and they arent interested, she has a serious attitude problem that woman
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| yet our coach was fine, no one left behind and most if not all very drunk, mind you i did leave the ground after the salford embarrassment and had a nice afternoon drowning my sorrows.
But the club should have issued tickets before letting people travel and they should have had a club rep/steward on each coach, and teh club wonder why people make their own way to away matches.
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| SHOCKING TREATMENT.get told to turn up ealry just like the other 150-200 fans did at 6.30 on sunday morning.Great example set to start the day when the women in charge turns up at 6.55!!!!!!!when busses leaving at 7!!i can understand drivers are contracted to work stict hours,but to leave so many fans behind and others having to get on other coaches as the A.B.C bus had long departed is a joke!especialy 230 miles away from salford,wouldnt have been so bad if it was half an hour down the road in warrington or wigan!
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| Was this guy on the floor ill, drunk or did he just trip up and fall over? I find it really odd that the coach would set off before the leaving time if people were not on it.
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| Quote Bigpev="Bigpev"yet our coach was fine, no one left behind and most if not all very drunk, mind you i did leave the ground after the salford embarrassment and had a nice afternoon drowning my sorrows.
But the club should have issued tickets before letting people travel and they should have had a club rep/steward on each coach, and teh club wonder why people make their own way to away matches.'"
They did issue tickets Pev, we should have been on coach 3 but were told that everyone has done their own thing so just get where you can. We heard that 20 people had missed the bus but i dont know if that was true. you cannot blame the club if people had got back the coach late, but if the coach did leave then that was a bit naughty 
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| abc coach that we was on must of left well early!as i know people off that who had to go on the goodwins one!there was at least 20 left behind.ten mins late !!
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| Quote wardleyred="wardleyred"abc coach that we was on must of left well early!as i know people off that who had to go on the goodwins one!there was at least 20 left behind.ten mins late !!'"
The Bullocks coach that we were on waited 5 mins
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| well according to a lad i know who caught the abc coach with us said it took them ages to find the coach as it was parked no were near at where they dropt us off and when they got on and left the abc was half empty!!!! it doesnt take long to put peoples names on a list or have a head count! like i said i was only a few minutes if i was late! like ginge said its not as if its only a few miles away its bloody cardiff and it was horrible.Even if the guy was wasted you cant just leave a fellow fan on the floor!!!
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| We used ABC a number of times for the FunBus back in the day. They were bob on until after we played London Broncos at Brentford one time. The driver was on his way back home and almost left the bulk of us in the pub. Probably on purpose too.
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| Hope you.ve made a complaint to someone at the club. Higher up than the staff at the shop. And also th coach company.